Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has committed to reducing net migration to the UK if his party wins the next general election. Starmer’s plan includes new laws aimed at training British workers to fill skill gaps and strengthening anti-exploitation measures.

Key Points:

  • Net Migration Reduction: Starmer promises to lower net migration but did not specify a timeframe or target figure.
  • Training British Workers: New laws would focus on training UK citizens to reduce reliance on foreign workers.
  • Anti-Exploitation Measures: Strengthening laws to prevent exploitation and ensure fair employment practices.
  • Tory Criticism: The Conservative Party doubts the sincerity of Starmer’s pledge, citing his past opposition to stricter immigration laws.

Starmer’s statement to the Sun on Sunday emphasized his commitment to controlling borders and supporting British businesses in hiring local workers first. He criticized the Conservatives for failing to keep their promises on reducing net migration, which reached 685,000 last year according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

New Policy Details:

  • Salary Requirements: The government recently raised the minimum salary for some skilled work visas by nearly 50%, and for skilled workers bringing family dependents.
  • Labour’s Response: Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper acknowledged the need to reduce net migration but argued that the Conservatives’ measures fall short of linking immigration to UK training and fair pay standards.

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Controversy and Reactions:

  • Conservative Response: A spokesperson labeled Labour’s policy a “U-turn” on Starmer’s principles, pointing out his previous votes against tougher border controls.
  • SNP Criticism: Alison Thewliss accused both major parties of adopting policies that harm Scotland by blaming migrants for various issues.
  • Liberal Democrats’ View: They argued that the Conservatives have failed on immigration and broken their promises.

Starmer’s commitment to reducing net migration is seen as an effort to appeal to traditional Conservative voters, positioning Labour as a party that can balance immigration control with fair employment practices.